
The number of children bereaved due to COVID-19 climbed by 160% from 2020 to 2021

COVID became the second leading cause of death for parents of children under age 18 in 2021, causing 45,874 children to experience the loss of a parent as compared to 17,642 in 2020.

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Grieving the death of a special person lost to COVID

Children and families grieving stigmatized losses may experience reactions such as guilt, isolation, and uncertainty.

Working together to create a more grief-sensitive society helps ensure that grieving children receive the unique care and support they need to return to a healthy developmental trajectory. The action steps below can help you increase grief-sensitivity in your community.

Action steps you can take

Learn more about stigmatized deaths


Find childhood bereavement support centers across the country by searching here.

Share community resources


Supportive conversations begin with the right language.

Use grief-informed language


When you make a donation to Judi’s House and the JAG Institute, you help increase awareness of childhood bereavement.

Make a donation


Request a custom report showing the impact of COVID-19 on childhood bereavement rates in your community

Get the data you need to demonstrate how childhood bereavement due to COVID-19 is impacting your community. The JAG Institute can provide custom Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) reports to nonprofits and other organizations working to raise awareness of issues that contribute to childhood bereavement.

The JAG Institute is committed to raising awareness of the issues that contribute to childhood bereavement.

If you are a representative of an organization working to address COVID-related grief or a related issue, please use the button below to request a speaker or discuss partnership opportunities.

Judi's House