
1 in 12 children are projected to experience the death of a parent or sibling by age 18.

Unaddressed childhood bereavement can disrupt a child’s development and lead to long-term challenges. Support is critical for kids and families who are grieving the death of a special person.

Explore resources


Whether your family has experienced a death loss, you are a concerned community member or you work at a nonprofit organization tackling societal issues that contribute to childhood bereavement, there are resources available to guide your grief education journey.  

Explore resources that can offer support on your bereavement journey.

For grieving families


Learn more about how childhood bereavement is impacting your community.

For community members


Use the materials in our nonprofit tool kit to spread awareness about the impact of childhood bereavement.

For issue-based nonprofits


There are many ways for you to make an impact for grieving children and families.

For volunteers and donors


Childhood bereavement is shockingly common

6 million children (8.3%) will experience the death of a parent or sibling before they turn 18.

Childhood grief has profound impacts on children, their families, and entire communities. In partnership with the New York Life Foundation, the JAG Institute developed the Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) to understand the magnitude of this critical public health issue. 

Caring for a grieving child? Attend a free Judi’s House workshop.

Twice each month, Judi’s House offers a ‘Caring for Grieving Kids’ workshop for parents, guardians, and adult family members seeking information about supporting children in their care. These workshops are limited in size to ensure participants have the opportunity to ask questions. Registration is required 24 hours prior to the workshop.

Upcoming workshops:

Saturday, March 16 | 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, March 19 | 6 – 7:30 p.m.

About childhood bereavement


Supporting the 1 in 12 children who will be bereaved begins with knowing the facts. Learn more about the prevalence of childhood bereavement, see childhood bereavement rates in your state and understand the data behind different causes of death.

Research and reports


Proactively addressing childhood grief is critical to helping bereaved children thrive. Learn more about reducing the negative impacts of childhood bereavement.

Understand the impact

Get Involved

Building a grief-sensitive society that cares for grieving children and families will require effort from all of us. Learn more about the action steps you can take to fulfill the vision of a future where no child is alone in grief.

Take action

Find support

If you or someone you know is grieving a loss, support is available.

Bereavement centers across the country provide a safe place for children and families to come together in loss to find hope and healing.

COVID-19 profoundly changed our world and childhood bereavement rates

The pandemic compounded existing annual bereavement rates that reflected more than 260,000 children under age 18 becoming newly bereaved due to the death of a parent. In 2021, this number increased to more than 383,000– surging nearly 50%. While COVID-19 directly accounts for a portion of the increase, other socially stigmatized causes also contributed, including overdose and homicide. Click the boxes below to learn more about the impact of specific causes of death on childhood bereavement rates.

In 2021, 21% of newly bereaved children lost a parent to accidental overdose.

In 2021, 12% of newly bereaved children lost a parent to COVID-19.

In 2021, 7% of newly bereaved children lost a parent to suicide.

In 2021, 4% of newly bereaved children lost a parent to homicide by gunshot.

Judi's House