
  • MM barra DD barra AAAA
  • What languages do you speak?
  • What should we know about you? What are your interests? What does your life look like personally and professionally?
  • Select all that apply
  • By joining Judi’s House’s ELN, you agree to a basic commitment to attend at least 3 out of 4 quarterly ELN meetings each year, attend at least 2 networking or philanthropic events per year, and volunteer at Judi’s House at least 2 times per year.
  • The Emerging Leaders Committee (ELC), under the direction of the JH/JAG Development and Communications team, assists in the oversight, development and management of fundraising programs, campaigns, and events for the Emerging Leaders Network (ELN).

*Disclaimer: If you have received grief counseling services at Judi’s House, we kindly ask you wait 2 years after completion of our programs to apply. Contact us at emergingleaders@judishouse.org with any questions.

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Judi's House