Grand Opening Gallery

Groundbreaking Photo Gallery

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Groundbreaking still

Digging site

Digging site

Digging site

Judi's House

Judi's House

Watch our Home Being Built

Backyard looking Northeast

Backyard Looking South

October 2021 Steel and Foundation Poured

Arched Steel of Front Door from South End

October 29 2021 Steel Work Starting

Building Structure Looking Northwest

Structural Steel and Decking

Structural Steel at South End

Last Structural Conrete Pour from Second Floor Balcony

Metal Framing Looking Southwest

Structural Steel and Roofing

Exterior Metal Framing Started Dec 20 Looking East

Structural Steel Work

Structural Steel - last beam placed

Stay Updated