Impact Stories

Childhood Bereavement Changemaker Case Study: Jessica’s House

April 25, 2023

Learn more about how the Childhood Bereavement Changemaker initiative is helping Jessica’s House use data to establish a Strategic Roadmap so they can achieve goals and improve programming.

Jessica’s House Case Study

The Childhood Bereavement Changemaker initiative was created by Judi’s House/JAG Institute, with philanthropic support from New York Life Foundation, to match our expertise as the childhood bereavement field’s leader in the standardization of data collection and methods with experts in localized communities across the United States to elevate the work of the entire field. By helping grow the organizational evaluation capacity of our partners, we become an active part of a practice that is strengthening the field and helping organizations better serve their communities.

Learn more about  this initiative and our partnership with  Jessica’s House in this case study.


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