Impact Stories

We Are All Connected: Ashley Shepherd and Gracie Ramirez

September 27, 2023

July 26, 2023

Meet our Grief Care Coordinators Gracie Ramirez and Ashley Shepherd, MSW, SWC.

This September we are pleased to highlight our Grief Care Coordinators! Ashley and Gracie are who families connect with first when seeking services at Judi’s House. They provide streamlined, clear communication and resources to our families.

Additionally, we call upon our Grief Care Coordinators to recognize a family’s needs, conduct assessments, and refer additional community resources. We are truly so grateful for the work these two women do to connect families to resources and tools throughout their grief journey.

Gracie Ramirez and Ashley Shepard

Ashley Shepherd, MSW, SWC

Ashley’s journey to Judi’s House started in Houston, she was completing her field internship for her master’s in social work at Bo’s Place. She fell in love with the work and began looking for opportunities to grow her clinical skills in Denver. Bo’s Place connected her to Judi’s House and all the pieces fell right into place.

“I love seeing families connect with each other and find healing. Grief is incredibly lonely, and I love that we get to aid in building community. It is something very special to witness and I feel grateful and honored to get to do this work.”

Graciela Ramirez

Graciela was drawn to Judi’s House as an opportunity to grow professionally and keep learning. She loves being a part of creating a safe space for families and the dedication of her colleagues to our mission. 

I believe it is important to create a more grief-informed world because grief is all around us. Grief is a universal experience yet I do not feel like it is often talked about.”

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