Impact Stories

We Are All Connected: Julie and Minerva

January 13, 2021

Staff Spotlights: Julie A. Scott (L) & Minerva Padron, LPC (R)

Director of Philanthropy and Communications, Julie A. Scott, joined the Judi’s House/JAG Institute team in January of this 2020, just 8 short weeks before our worlds changed due to the pandemic. Julie leads our team of fundraising and communications professionals to raise funds, host events, and spread the word about our critical mission throughout the Denver Metro area, the state, and the nation. Much like our direct service and training and education delivery, the development and communications team had to be nimble in creating new opportunities to connect with our Judi’s House family and friends.  

Julie and her husband Jamie both love to travel. When their plans to travel to Italy fell through, they checked three national parks off their travel list this summer. Now that winter has set in, they both have their hands full with their new puppy and future adventure buddy, Bodie.

“There is so much to love about working at Judi’s House from the team, to the selfless volunteers, to the children and families we serve. I have enjoyed learning about the scores of families we continue to impact through our critical work. It’s been a joy to get to know some of our longstanding donors and learn why supporting Judi’s House is so important to them. What I’ve found is people are really passionate about the connection and healing we provide to grieving children and families. We look forward to creating more meaningful opportunities for the community to invest in our mission as we embark on a new year.”

If you ask Community-Based Care Bilingual Grief Counselor, Minerva Padron, LPC, how long she has been at Judi’s House, she’ll answer, “It’s a long story!” Long story short, Minerva started with Judi’s House as an intern and has continued to share her gifts with us as a staff member for the past three years. She carries the Judi’s House mission to the many places she provides grief care in the community, specifically through groups in metro area middle schools. With the pandemic, Minnie and our Community-Based Care team expanded the services we provide to virtually share information on grieving, supporting the bereaved, and practicing self-care with caring adults and students in grades 1-12!

In her free time, Minerva loves to play, eat, and create with her family.

“What I like most about working at Judi’s House is…all of it: living with purpose in being supportive to others through my service, seeing the power of love expressed through grief in families, learning from the wisdom of children who are grieving, serving Spanish speaking families in their own language, and being part of the community that makes it all possible for our families (and so MUCH more).”

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