We know that for many families, getting to Judi’s House can be difficult. To support these grieving children, Judi’s House has developed partnerships with local school districts and community organizations.

Judi’s House offers community-based programs for youth and adult in partnership with local school districts and community organizations. Through these partnerships, the Judi’s House Community-Based Care Team offers grief care programming and workshops to youth, staff, and caregivers in Metro Denver and beyond, free of charge.

Community-Based Services

Middle School In-Person Grief Support Groups

Judi’s House Pathfinders curriculum is used to facilitate 10-session peer-based grief groups for middle school aged youth. These groups focus on normalizing grief responses, developing coping skills, connecting with adult and peer support, and creating a safe space to process and share grief.

Prior to starting group, Judi’s House counselors meet one-on-one with each potential group member at their school or organization to assess how grief is uniquely impacting them.

Read more about group requirements and how to start a middle school group at your school or organization.

Middle School Grief Support Group Information
Grief Education Workshops (Grades 1-12)

To support communities in starting a dialogue about loss, Judi’s House created universal grief workshops for youth in grades 1-12. These workshops are developmentally tailored both in terms of content and time and can be offered in-person (within a 20-mile radius of Judi’s House) or virtually.

A knowledgeable Judi’s House grief expert will join classrooms and youth groups to provide grief awareness through an engaging and interactive experience.

Request a Grief Education Workshop
Personnel and Staff Trainings

We train school personnel, childcare workers, and other agency staff who work directly with bereaved youth on techniques for making their systems grief- and trauma-aware.

Learn more about hosting a professional training. Requests must be made at least two weeks prior to your desired presentation date.

Request a Presentation or Training
School and Community Organization Consultation

Schools and organizations may reach out to Judi’s House at any time with grief related questions or concerns. These consultations are available to increase support for grieving children to build an understanding of the impact of grief.

For consultations email schoolgroups@judishouse.org.

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