Impact Stories

Meet the Changemaker: Dougy Center

May 24, 2023

Joining our Childhood Bereavement Changemaker (CBC) initiative gave Dougy Center the crucial data they needed for them to validate the work they do for the community and extend care to the kids who need it the most.

A member of our first cohort of Childhood Bereavement Changemaker (CBC) organizations, the Dougy Center creates life-changing impact for children and families grieving a death loss in Portland, OR. Founded in 1982, Dougy Center was one of the first organizations to provide bereavement support groups for children and continues to provide a safe space where people can connect, heal, and navigate their grief more than forty years on.

Learn about their work and how becoming a Changemaker gave them the crucial data they needed to validate their work within their community and extend the accessibility to bereavement care to the kids who need it most in this interview with Executive Director Brennan Wood.

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