2024 Key Topic | About Childhood Bereavement | Additional Resources

Childhood Bereavement: Household Income

The 2024 reports focus on the intersection of childhood bereavement and household income. Providing insight on a state-by-state basis, these analyses reveal differences in bereavement rates based on county median incomes. We found that in 44 out of 50 states, children in the lowest income counties are more likely to be bereaved than those in the highest income counties. In the six remaining states, low income is still associated with increased childhood bereavement.

We know that ready access to essential resources such as stable housing, safe communities, quality education, physical and mental healthcare, clean water, and healthy food play an important role in mitigating negative outcomes associated with childhood bereavement. Restricted income is associated with poor health outcomes and increased exposure to negative environmental conditions that reduce life expectancy. 

Childhood Bereavement: A Critical Issue

Childhood bereavement estimation model (CBEM) Logo
An estimated 6.3 million children in the United States will experience the death of a parent or sibling by age 18.
2024 Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) results

Childhood grief has profound impacts on youth, families, and communities. In partnership with the New York Life Foundation, we developed the Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) to understand the magnitude of the issue. The CBEM approximates rates of U.S. children and youth who will experience the death of a parent or sibling by the time they reach adulthood.

This information helps communities evaluate the impacts of unaddressed grief, campaign for grief resources, and ultimately, contribute to improved outcomes for grieving families everywhere.

Childhood Bereavement in the United States

2024 CBEM State results vary greatly across the nation. West Virginia has the highest concentration of bereaved children with 13.7% projected to experience the loss of a parent or sibling by age 18. For the first time since we began releasing these reports seven years ago, Nebraska has the lowest concentration with 6.7%. National, state, and county-level findings help advocates better understand and support the unique needs of bereaved children in their communities.

How many children and youth will be bereaved in YOUR state? Hover over the map to view CBEM rankings and rates. Click on a state to view and download the full report.

Snapshot CBEM Results

Snapshot CBEM results are derived from Current CBEM analyses and examine one year of input data to provide the number of children newly bereaved in a specific year.

Snapshot CBEM Results: in 2022, 1,089 children in the United States were newly bereaved each day.

Childhood Bereavement: The Cost of Inaction

Research shows that bereaved children are at an increased risk of disrupted development. Unaddressed childhood grief and trauma can lead to short- and long-term difficulties including decreased academic performance, mental health issues, and early mortality.

the cost of inaction: childhood bereavement. Healthy development, grief-related adversity

Timely support introduced at critical junctions aids in healthy development. Each day, bereaved youth turn to peers and adults for assistance in managing complex grief reactions. Data from the CBEM reinforces the need for access to grief-focused education and programming that helps communities respond compassionately and confidently.

Additional Resources

Join us in elevating childhood bereavement to a critical public priority. You can keep kids on track to health and healing by utilizing our CBEM resources to educate your community and increase awareness.

CBEM Reports

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Judi’s House/JAG Institute partnered with the New York Life Foundation to help support grieving children and families by creating the Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model.

Childhood bereavement estimation model created i n partnership with New york life foundation

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