FAQ about our Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model.

What is the CBEM?

The Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) is a tool developed by Judi’s House/JAG Institute, in partnership with the New York Life Foundation, that approximates rates of U.S. children and youth who will experience the death of a parent or sibling by the time they reach adulthood.

The CBEM provides critical data to researchers, practitioners, educators, and policymakers who advocate for the millions of children navigating grief nationwide. This information helps communities evaluate the impact of unaddressed grief, campaign for grief resources, and ultimately, contribute to improved outcomes for grieving families.

Learn more at www.judishouse.org/CBEM.

CBEM FAQ, what is the CBEM?

What is Judi’s House/JAG Institute?

Judi’s House/JAG Institute is a research-based nonprofit organization in Aurora, Colorado devoted solely to helping grieving children and their families find connection and healing. Our vision is that no child should be alone in grief.

Named in memory of Judith Ann Griese, the JAG Institute integrates the rigor of our Evaluation and Research initiative with the reach of our Training and Education initiative to improve the accessibility and quality of care grieving children and families receive.

We create social change by sharing knowledge with communities around the country. As a recognized center of excellence, we strengthen the childhood bereavement field by developing innovative tools, disseminating research findings, and providing education. In alignment with our direct-service initiative, we are ensuring childhood bereavement is recognized as a critical public priority.

How should I cite the 2024 CBEM?

Judi’s House. (2024).  Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model.  Retrieved from www.judishouse.org/CBEM.

How are CBEM results generated?

The CBEM aggregates population and mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Visit the CBEM Methodology and Sources webpage to learn more about the model.

How do I access CBEM reports from previous years?

The first CBEM reports were released in 2018. Updated reports and accompanying materials are released annually, typically in June. Visit the CBEM Archive to access previous CBEM materials.

How can I stay up to data on CBEM information?

Sign up to receive JAG Insights communications! We send monthly communications about resources, trainings, and important community updates.

FAQ: I have more questions, who can I contact?

Learn more about the CBEM at judishouse.org/CBEM or contact us for more information.

Judi’s House/JAG Institute partnered with the New York Life Foundation to help support grieving children and families by creating the Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model.

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