This report expands on the prior year’s COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Report by providing CBEM Snapshot results due to a parent’s death from stigmatized causes in 2021. Specifically, the 2023 Key Topic Report explores bereavement connected to accidental drug overdose, COVID-19, suicide, and homicide by gunshot. CBEM Snapshot results offer point-in-time prevalence data. Findings in our 2023 report reflect increases in childhood bereavement due to these stigmatized losses year over year.

In conjunction with the 2023 Key Topic Report, our team developed four short videos that provide an accessible look into each of the causes of parent death discussed in the report. Watch and share the videos below to help increase understanding of stigmatized death and childhood bereavement.

Children who have experienced a stigmatized death loss like those highlighted in this report may experience feelings of isolation, guilt, and uncertainty. The report, along with the resources below, are designed to increase your understanding of the issue and make a difference for bereaved families.

Explore our 2023 CBEM Pandemic Impact Report and resources.

2023 CBEM Pandemic Impact Report

2023 CBEM Pandemic Impact Toolkit

2023 CBEM Pandemic Impact Data Tables


Judi’s House/JAG Institute partnered with the New York Life Foundation to help support grieving children and families by creating the Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model.

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