Custom CBEM Reports and Additional Services
CBEM Local Reports | Additional Services | Reports in Action
Are you curious to know the prevalence of childhood bereavement in your community? We can help! We are thrilled to offer CBEM Reports and additional services to organizations and individuals across the country. The reports can help you build a more precise understanding of the magnitude of childhood bereavement locally, underscoring the need for grief services in your area.
CBEM Local Reports (starting at $600*)
CBEM Local Reports provide childhood bereavement estimates for a defined service area. These custom reports can assist with program planning, community education, and fundraising efforts by addressing the following types of questions:
- How many children in a defined service area already are, or will be, bereaved by the time they are 18 or 25?
- How does childhood bereavement vary across counties in a defined service area?
- How does childhood bereavement vary between key population subgroups (e.g., by race and/or Hispanic origin) in a defined service area?
- How has the number of newly bereaved children changed year-to-year in a defined service area?
- How do specific causes of death contribute to childhood bereavement (e.g., youth deaths from homicide, parent deaths from opioids, etc.) in a defined service area?
CBEM Local Report Offerings
CBEM Standard Analyses
- Use 5 years of aggregated data
- Produce estimates of the number and percentage of children
- Who are bereaved by ages 18 and 25 (Current results)
- Who will be bereaved by ages 18 and 25 (Projected results)
- By the source of bereavement
- Death of a Parent or Sibling
- Death of a Parent only
- Death of a Sibling only
CBEM Standard Analyses by Race and Hispanic Origin
- Produce Current and Projected bereavement results for population subgroups
- The categories available for defining these population subgroups include:
- Hispanic Origin Categories
- Hispanic or Latino
- Not Hispanic or Latino
- Race Categories
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- White
- More than One Race
- Hispanic Origin Categories
- The categories available for defining these population subgroups include:
CBEM Snapshot Analyses
- Use data from a single year
- Produce estimates of the number and percentage of children younger than 18 and younger than 25 newly bereaved in a specified time period
- By the source of bereavement
- Death of a Parent or Sibling
- Death of a Parent only
- Death of a Sibling only
- For population subgroups defined by race an/or Hispanic origin
- By the source of bereavement
Ordering Your CBEM Local Report
CBEM Local Report pricing is based on the number of distinct bereavement analyses completed according to the following schedule:
- $600 – Includes up to 10 distinct bereavement analyses
- $1,000 – Includes 11 to 20 distinct bereavement analyses
- Custom Quote – Includes 21+ distinct bereavement analyses
Examples of distinct bereavement analysis include:
- Analysis 1: Estimating the number and percentage of children who are already bereaved, and who will be bereaved by age 18 and 25 within a combined 5-county service area based on the most recent 5 years of available data.
- Analysis 2: Estimating the number of Black or African American children younger than 18 and younger than 25 newly bereaved in Los Angeles County, CA in 2021.
- Analysis 3: Estimating the number and percentage of Hispanic or Latino children who are, and who will be, bereaved by age 18 and by age 25 in Harris County, TX (i.e., Houston) based on data for 2018-2021.
- Analysis 4: Estimating the number of White children younger than 18 and younger than 25 newly bereaved by a parent’s opioid death in 2020 using aggregated data for the counties intersecting Kentucky’s 2nd Congressional District.
CBEM Local Report Deliverables
CBEM Local Report results will be delivered in one or more Excel files. Standard and Snapshot analyses will be reported in separate files.
Following delivery of your CBEM Local Report materials, we will schedule a one-hour discussion to review the results and address questions about use and interpretation.
Use the links below to view sample Excel files with results from a Standard Analysis and a Snapshot Analysis developed using aggregated data for the 5 counties that comprise the primary service area for Judi’s House.
What does the process look like?
Once you have submitted your request for a CBEM Local Report, the CBEM team will reach out via email to schedule a free, 30-minute initial consultation to discuss your objectives and potential bereavement analyses.
Following your consultation, the CBEM team will develop a detailed scope of work describing proposed analyses, deliverables, timeline, and price for the report. The scope of work will be formatted as an invoice and delivered through If the proposed scope of work is acceptable, the CBEM Local Report can be ordered by submitting payment through the provided link. If needed, additional clarification/discussion can be completed by email and, as appropriate, a revised scope of work generated.
After payment, the CBEM team will confirm the analysis has started and get in touch with any other questions or additional information.
*Nonprofit discounts available.
We anticipate that all three bereavement types (death of a parent, death of a sibling, and death of a parent or sibling) will be produced for the requested cumulative county grouping(s). In some cases, CBEM results for parent or sibling bereavement and sibling bereavement cannot be reliably calculated due to data suppression.
Additional Services
Consultation | Community Demographic Profiles
Consultation ($400 per hour*)
Judi’s House/JAG Institute staff are available for consultation on report interpretation and data utilization or to discuss other questions about local data compilation.
*Nonprofit discounts available.
Community Demographic Profiles (Starting at $400)
Understanding the characteristics of the community you serve is critical for assessing your needs and evaluating your impact. A Community Demographic Profile (CDP) from Judi’s House/JAG Institute can help provide this information.
A CDP uses the most recent 5-year aggregated data available from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) to provide information on the following community characteristics:
- Racial Composition
- Hispanic Origin
- Ancestry
- Economic Status: Poverty and Income
- Family Structure
- Origin of Foreign-Born Persons
- Languages Spoken at Home
- Health/Disability Status
- Veteran Status
- Age
- Levels of Education
What questions can a Community Demographic Profile answer?
By comparing details from a CDP with your participant data, you can address questions such as:
- Is the population we serve representative of the general community?
- Are there differences in the demographics between the zip codes where most participants live compared to zip codes where few participants live?
- Are there concentrated populations in our community who may require services in languages other than English?
Use the link below to access a sample CDP with demographic data for the Nation, States, and select counties and zip codes within Colorado. (Note: start with the Read Me worksheet for a more detailed overview of the file’s structure and contents.)
Sample Community Demographic ProfilePricing
An initial $100 fee provides your organization with custom consultation designed to review your data and ensure the CDP we provide correctly addresses your organization’s goals. The initial fee will be applied to your overall CDP cost.
Pricing for a CDP is based on the number of discrete locations included in the report using the following schedule:
- $400 | Up to 40 locations
- $600 | 41 to 80 locations
- $800 | 81 to 120 locations
- $1,000 | 121 to 160 locations
- $1,200 | 161 to 200 locations
The total number of locations reflects the sum of the number of individual counties and zip codes and aggregated county or zip code groups.
Example 1:
- Adams County, CO
- Denver County, CO
- Arapahoe County, CO
- Broomfield County, CO
- Jefferson County, CO
- Aggregate all five counties above
Total discrete locations: 6
Example 2:
- Adams County, CO
- Denver County, CO
- Jefferson County, CO
- Aggregate Adams and Denver Counties
- Aggregate Jefferson and Denver Counties
- Aggregate all three counties
Total discrete locations: 6
Selecting Locations for a Community Demographic Profile
Select locations at the following geographic scales:
- Individual counties and aggregated county groups
- Zip codes and aggregated zip code groups
National- and state-level demographic comparison data in the CDP is automatically provided.
Purchasing a Community Demographic Profile
To order a CDP, the first step is to complete a request form using the button below.
The order form will ask you to upload an Excel or Word file with the counties and zip codes you would like included. If you wish to aggregate information across a group of counties or, separately, across a group of zip codes, we will also need information on how these counties and zip codes should be grouped.
For example, the italicized reporting groups are used in the example CDP referenced above to reflect data aggregated for the associated lists of Colorado counties:
- Primary Service Area: Adams County, CO; Arapahoe County, CO; Broomfield County, CO; Denver County, CO; Jefferson County, CO
- Secondary Service Area: Boulder County, CO; Douglas County, CO
Community Demographic Profile Deliverables
The CDP data will be delivered as an Excel file with the following worksheets:
- Read Me : Summarizes the data, describes the format and content of the results worksheets and worksheets linking counties and zip codes to aggregate reporting groups
- US w State reporting template : Results for the U.S. and individual states including Washington, D.C.
- County reporting template : Results for your selected counties and, if identified, any aggregate county groups
- Zip code reporting template : Results for your selected zip codes and, if identified, any aggregate zip code groups
- LOCATION Zip Code Reference : Details used to link your selected zip codes to the zip code tabulation areas the ACS uses to report data at this scale
- LOCATION County Reference : Details used to link selected counties to any specified aggregate county groups
Reports in Action
We piloted Local CBEM Reports with our Childhood Bereavement Changemakers, a group of six diverse, passionate organizations looking to better understand the prevalence of childhood bereavement in their own communities. Over the course of two years, we worked closely with each Changemaker and developed tailored reports that helped inform planning, influence change, increase funding, and enhance their overall impact on bereaved children and families.
Read their stories:

Judi’s House/JAG Institute partnered with the New York Life Foundation to help support grieving children and families by creating the Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model.