Remembering Activities

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Remembrance candle – Family Activity

Remembering your special person can help you maintain a meaningful connection to them. Some families who come to Judi’s House say they feel connected to their special person when they see certain images or symbols like dragonflies or pennies.

As a family, work together to decorate a glass jar or candle holder with items that represent your connection with your special person. This candle can be lit during times of celebration, on significant days, or any time family members want to remember this connection.

Supplies needed:

remembrance journal- youth activity ages 7 – adult

Decorate the cover of your journal with collage items that represent your connection with your special person. Use this journal to record favorite memories of your special person, write down dreams you may have about them, draw pictures, or write letters to them.

Supplies needed:

remembrance photo frame – youth activity ages 3 – 8

With help from an adult, decorate the frame with collage items that represent your connection with your special person. Choose a special photo to go in the frame. You can look at the photo any time you want to be reminded of your special person and the connection you have with them.

Supplies needed:

Story Corner

“Life is Like the Wind” by Shona Innes and Irisz Agócs

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