Kindness Activities

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Basket Full of Kindness – Family Activity

First find your “basket.” It can be a bread basket, jar, hat, bowl, or if you are crafty make one from strips of paper! Next, on paper you can write on that is blank on one side. Cut or rip your paper into pieces large enough to write ways you can practice kindness.

Get as creative as you want. Write down one act of kindness per piece of paper and put them in your “basket.” Each day, choose one kindness act that you will practice that day. There is no limit to how many you can practice. The more you do, the more your brain releases those feel-good chemicals. At some point in the day talk, text, or share what the experience was like for you: how it made you feel and how others responded.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

kindness cards – Youth activity ages 13 – Adult

Create a card of any size using a piece of paper. You can make the cards by hand or design them on the computer. Include a saying, artwork, or picture to show kindness. Somewhere on the card add a note: “This kindness card is given to you in honor (or in memory) of _________.”  You can also add a special treat, like a piece of candy or sticker. Give them to anyone you want, people you know, and/or people you don’t know:

Kindness Flower – youth activity ages 3 -12

Kindness grows from within.  Practice growing kindness by being kind to yourself. Make a flower with petals out of paper. On each petal write a kind word or phrase to yourself. If you are having a hard time growing kindness toward yourself think of things you would tell a friend to show them kindness. Make 1 or many and put them up in important spaces like your room, your door, on your bed, on the mirror you use to get ready, your sock drawer, etc. as a reminder to grow kindness from within.

Story Corner

“Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud

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