Self-Care Activities

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Five Senses Self-Care – Family Activity

A different way to approach self-care can be to think about what appeals to your five-senses: touch, smell, sound, taste, and sight. Each family member completes the Five Senses Self-Care worksheet with what brings you happiness, calm, joy, and/or peace. For example, for smell: vanilla, lavender, our favorite food cooking. Try thinking of some ideas of each category.

Once everyone is done with their worksheet, take turns sharing your ideas aloud. Once or twice a week a family member should try an idea another family member wrote on their sheet, such as trying someone else’s favorite food. You might find new things you enjoy for your own self-care!

Self-Care Bag – Youth Activity Ages 11 – 18

After the death of a special person, it can be difficult to take care of yourself when you are struggling. Look around your home and try to find items that bring you happiness or help you feel better when you are having a hard time. This can be a stress ball, your favorite piece of candy or snack, a bottle of water, a small candle, a journal, pictures of family or friends, etc. Put them all in a bag or box of some sort and keep it in a special place. When you are feeling stressed, go to your Self-Care Bag and select an item to support you in the moment.

Self-Care Dance Party – Youth Activity Ages 3-10

Sometimes to take care of our mind and body, we have to move! What better way to move than to have a dance party to your favorite song? Especially when you are feeling sad or worried. Pick one of your favorite songs and dance like nobody is watching! If you do not like to dance, pick your favorite song and just listen. Think about how you feel after listening or dancing to your song.

Story Corner

“Listening to My Body” by Gabi Garcia.

Listening to My Body is an engaging and interactive picture book that introduces children to the practice of listening to their bodies

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