Click the arrows for each sponsorship level to view benefits and select your payment type to start a sponsorship form. Sponsorships directly support our mission to help children and families grieving a death find connection and healing.

Pathfinder Sponsor – $50,000

Enables us to provide 500 hours of Pathfinders group programming to 15 grieving families, helping them adjust to loss and foster resiliency.

Pathfinder Sponsor Benefits

  • Two tables for 20 guests with priority seating
  • Invitation to special VIP celebration for 10 table guests
  • Champagne and commemorative gift for table guests
  • Opportunity for Co-Founders Dr. Brook and/or Brian Griese to speak at your organization
  • Prominent name/logo recognition onsite and in marketing collateral
  • Recognition of your generosity by the emcee during event program
  • Full page advertisement in program
  • Inclusion in news releases as appropriate
  • 2023 member of Brian’s Quarterback Club with invitations to attend exclusive events
Legend Sponsor – $25,000

Enables us to provide school-based Pathfinders group programming to 30 grieving students in schools throughout the Denver Metro area.

Legend Sponsor Benefits

  • One table for 10 guests with preferred seating
  • Invitation to special VIP celebration for 6 table guests
  • Champagne for table guests
  • Name/logo recognition onsite and in marketing collateral
  • Half page advertisement in program
  • Inclusion in news releases as appropriate
  • 2023 member of Brian’s Quarterback Club with invitations to attend exclusive events
Champion Sponsor – $10,000

Enables us to provide up to 70 hours of custom trainings and consultation on grief care best practices for the childhood bereavement field.

Champion Sponsor Benefits

  • One table for 10 guests
  • Invitation to special VIP celebration for 2 table guests
  • Name/logo recognition in marketing collateral
  • Inclusion of name/logo in event program
  • 2023 member of Brian’s Quarterback Club with invitations to attend exclusive events
Courage Sponsor – $5,000 (LIMITED)

Enables us to invest in one (1) year of intensive grief-focused training for master’s level interns leading to a more grief-informed workforce.

Courage Sponsor Benefits

  • One table for 10 guests
  • Inclusion of name/logo in event program
Friend Sponsor – $1,000 (LIMITED)

Enables us to provide two (2) nights of nourishing meals for up to 100 grieving children and families before group programming begins.

Friend Sponsor Benefits

  • Two tickets
  • Inclusion of name/logo on event webpage

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