
Create Your Lasting Legacy

Leave your legacy through planned giving and support Judi’s House now and in the future. By including a charitable gift in your estate plans, you can ensure your values and passions continue to thrive beyond your lifetime. Planned giving offers unique opportunities to maximize your impact while potentially benefiting from tax advantages and other financial considerations. Your thoughtful contribution will make a significant difference in the lives of families seeking comprehensive grief care at Judi’s House.

Explore Giving Options

No matter your stage in life, planned giving can benefit you and your loved ones while helping to support grieving children for generations to come. Our team is available to address any inquiries you may have and to collaborate with you to identify a gift that aligns perfectly with your individual circumstances.

Simple Bequest

When you leave a nonprofit in your will means you are designating a charitable organization to receive a portion or all of your estate upon your death.

Interested in making a bequest? Complete the form at the bottom of this page and a development team member will contact you.

Beneficiary Designation

When you designate a nonprofit as a beneficiary in your will, you’re choosing to leave them a specific portion of your estate or assets such as life insurance policies or retirement accounts.

Interested in designating Judi’s House as a beneficiary? Complete the form at the bottom of this page and a development team member will contact you.


When you specify in your will or living trust that you want to leave stocks to a nonprofit, you ensure that the stock will be transferred to the organization upon your death.

Interested in leaving a gift of stock? Complete the form at the bottom of this page and a development team member will contact you.

Real Estate

When you specify in your will that you want to leave real estate to a nonprofit, you’re stating that you want a particular piece of property (like a house or land) to go to a nonprofit organization after you die.

Interested in making a real estate gift? Complete the form at the bottom of this page and a development team member will contact you.

This information should not be construed as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Every donor’s situation is different. Please consult your financial, tax, and/or legal advisors to determine the benefits of a planned gift for you. Please contact us if you need assistance with identifying an expert to assist you in your gift planning.

Planned Giving Interest Form

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